Thursday, March 25, 2010


There is too much sun I say! I must block it out says the cloud. And so he does. There is too much heat and thirst I say! Its thirst must be quenched, its heat must be cooled says the Rain. And so she does. As rivulets run down the emerald green leaves of the dogwood it sways and rustles with delight, the tulip fully blooms drinking all that she can of the sweet cool drips of rain running off of the dogwood from the cloud above. The dirt beneath the the tulip becomes rich soil and lets off a musky scent to show its appreciation for the much needed rain dripping off of the tulip that drips off the dogwood that falls from the cloud up above. But alas the cloud must move on and so shall the rain, just as things are getting too cool for the dogwood, the tulip and the dirt. The sun shows its smiling face once again right before darkness is to set in. At dusk the dogwood, the tulip and the dirt are finally content and are ready to settle in as the beautiful moon rose to its place in the starry sky.