Thursday, August 5, 2010

WII Fit Plus

The Wii fit plus is an amazing game to have for the wii. Not only is it fun and for all ages it tracks how much weight you lose and makes (at least me) want to excersise! I've lost 15 lbs so far with the help of wii fit. Loving it. If your looking for a game that helps you lose weight, the kids will love as much as you do, and has strength training for the hubby, then ladies this is the game you want! If your worried about the board getting dirty or ruined too quickly they also have skins that go over top of the board to keep it in excellent condition. If you like your wii a lot this game is an awesome addition for your collection.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Yes. I've finally done it. I'm finally serious with my writing. I'm working really hard on an older teen book. It will more than likely end up being a saga. We'll see how popular it is first. I have the first four chapters done so far.
The main charcter's name is Savannah. There's going to be action, love, drama, twists and turns! Hope your looking forward to it as much as I am!

Monday, May 24, 2010


I just want to scream!
Do you ever feel that way?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

City of personalities intertwined

The hustle and bustle of career driven women and men zoom around me. Always in a hurry to be somewhere, soft jazz sets a relaxing background in the midst of all the chaos. This little cafe I've decided to sit in, drink my tea in, and write to you in is not significant in any way to most. It's just another place people run in and out of all day grabbing a coffee, or tea in my case, maybe a sandwich or croissant on the way out the door. I don't run in and run out though like the rest of them, I sit and relax. I observe all of these people going to and from some important task to another. Sometimes one person just happens to bump into another, and on rare occassion fate comes forward and the two exchange numbers and actually take the time to slow down to talk to each other. In a few months I may see rings on both their finger and their very happy, embracing each other and whispering sweet nothings to each other tucked away in a tiny booth in the back corner. Other times perhaps I'll see them fighting with each other on the way in and trying to see who can get to the counter first so they can leave the uncomfortable company they now find themselves in.
If you sit and watch you will see just about every personality come in and go out of the cafe. Everything from a young perky career woman, to an upper class house wife with three kids. They all come into contact with each other in this little building.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


There is too much sun I say! I must block it out says the cloud. And so he does. There is too much heat and thirst I say! Its thirst must be quenched, its heat must be cooled says the Rain. And so she does. As rivulets run down the emerald green leaves of the dogwood it sways and rustles with delight, the tulip fully blooms drinking all that she can of the sweet cool drips of rain running off of the dogwood from the cloud above. The dirt beneath the the tulip becomes rich soil and lets off a musky scent to show its appreciation for the much needed rain dripping off of the tulip that drips off the dogwood that falls from the cloud up above. But alas the cloud must move on and so shall the rain, just as things are getting too cool for the dogwood, the tulip and the dirt. The sun shows its smiling face once again right before darkness is to set in. At dusk the dogwood, the tulip and the dirt are finally content and are ready to settle in as the beautiful moon rose to its place in the starry sky.